Memento Git

Git est un logiciel de gestion de versions décentralisé. Avec ce memento, vous aurez un accès rapide aux commandes Git les plus courantes.


Set the global config

git config --global "[name]"
git config --global "[email]"

Get started

Create a git repository

git init

Clone an existing git repository

git clone [url]


Commit all tracked changes

git commit -am "[commit message]"

Add new modifications to the last commit

git commit --amend --no-edit

I’ve made a mistake

Change last commit message

git commit --amend

Undo most recent commit and keep changes

git reset HEAD~1

Undo the N most recent commit and keep changes

git reset HEAD~N

Undo most recent commit and get rid of changes

git reset HEAD~1 --hard

Reset branch to remote state

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/[branch-name]


Renaming the local master branch to main

git branch -m master main